(aside: 'What's a motto?' 'Nothing! What's a motto with you?!)
While I'm not a huge advocate of making New Year's resolutions (so much hype for making goals because everyone else is...no thanks), I am determined to adopt a new mantra/motto.
Appreciate life for what it is
rather than complain for what it's not.
Life literally changes or can change much faster than I'd like. And while this last year was a lesson to me in letting go of the control which I very much like to have, I am optimistic that life will be just what it needs to be.
That being said....
I can complain and give myself added stress just because...
OR I can say, this REALLY sucks and choose to let it go.
(yeah--easier said than done, but I do have hope that I can at least try)
Here's to an optimistic start to an optimistic year?!
Only time will tell....