Friday, May 29, 2009

Changing it up...

So we are officially not homeowners anymore. We closed on our cute, little, first house on Wednesday night and are now at my mom's house for about six months while we start the building process of our new home. We are sad to leave our cute neighborhood and friends and will miss having our own space, but it is a means to an end.

And while we were at it we decided to continue with more big changes and will be adding a baby BOY to our family in October. We are so excited to have another little one join our family and are grateful for good health. It has been hard keeping a secret but thought it would be fun to wait until we knew what we were having. (And for the record, I had a strong feeling it was a boy from day one and was pleased to see my impressions confirmed at the ultrasound today.)

The girls are excited, although Lily was disappointed when the ultrasound tech said it was a boy. She had been praying for a baby sister, but we know she'll love our little boy just as much as she would have a second sister.
And now onward and upward....a means to an end.(disclaimer: this is not an actual photo of our baby--just an example)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

two weeks...

So after almost 11 months of having our house on the market, two fallen-through offers and a LOT of showings, we finally got the offer we wanted and are moving in....two weeks! We can't believe it and are sad we will be leaving our cute, little, first home. We have many fond memories and great friends and neighbors but are excited to move on to something bigger and hopefully more long-term.

I know the next two weeks will be crazy with packing and cleaning and Lily's preschool 'graduation', so I will try to post when I can.

Goodbye to our little bird house...we will always remember you in adoration...and I will miss your lovely flowers...