Tuesday, January 19, 2010


ever have one of those days where you feel like you do a TON but no one really notices? I guess the only way to get people to notice is to not do stuff....ha! That always gets a reaction.
I am so excited that we are T-4 weeks until closing! the house is going really quickly.
There has been the disappointments...everything is going swimmingly and then you discover when the big plastic bubble is off your house that the stucco is shockingly darker than you thought....(or as Andrew says, "it looks like poo.") Not so great. Here I am thinking we've done a pretty good job of picking out contrasting colors of brick and stucco, and now it's all one monochromatic color. sigh. money is short, can't afford for it to be painted--hopefully once the fascia and soffits are up it won't be so one color. At least the inside looks good.
We are looking forward to tile, cabinets, soffits, fascia, garage door and possibly carpet in the next week....oh, i hope, i hope, i hope.
We did go out and buy a table for the kitchen so that we won't have to eat on the floor, so that'll be nice to get the week we move in.
Why is January so long? Zoe has been barfing, Beck has a nasty congestion/cough problem, Andrew's conveniently at work making money, I feel like I've done nothing but clean and wash all day, and yet there's not a whole lot to show for my tiredness.....And yet someday I know I'll look back and miss being a young mom (just not today).

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Beck is 3 months!

At three months Beck loves to smile--especially at his mom, the bird on his swing and anything that may catch his fancy. He likes to hold his hands in front of him and likes to play with his tongue. His hands have been his new discovery for a few weeks now, and he loves to put them in his mouth all different ways (fist, fingers, thumb). He has had many good nights of 8-10 hours at night but is still adjusting and has plenty of 'off' nights too. (Mommy doesn't much like those nights). He is loved A LOT by his sisters who love to watch him sit in the "bumble" (Bumbo seat that Grandpa Fedor got him for Christmas). I really look forward to this more alert time of his development and love how he loves me so much...
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