Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So, I thought I was done with cramming since I graduated, but lately we've had a different kind of cramming. We are in the process of finishing up our basement. We are making a small room as an office with a full bath attached. It's been a little crazy because we are down to the wire trying to get it done before my dad comes on Christmas day. (then atleast he'll have an official room to sleep in) It will be nice to have some more space for our smorgasborg of stuff as well, i.e. my scrapbooking table and storage stuff.
i'm waiting for andrew to get back with the few supplies we didn't buy yesterday at Lowe's so we can hopefully get the first coat of paint on. Carpet comes on Friday and Andrew's dad is doing the tiling Thursday. It's a good thing we would never build a house because we're not very good when it comes to the decisions and agreeing on the nitty gritty. Just painting the primer was enough to get us both going on who was doing it better....sigh. Or maybe it's just because we are down to the wire and seemingly on edge with all we need to accomplish.
It will be so nice to have done though. I'm excited to see it come together. I'll post pix when it's done....
better get some of the house picked up so there's less to do in the morning when both girls are awake. how is it that house work just multiplies even when you think you have it under control? it's one of those phenomenons I have yet to understand. Laundry is one of those chores that especially gets out of control (I swear I just did it a few days ago...)
Okay, i'm rambling.
signing off for now...

1 comment:

lori said...

I hear you about the out of control laundry! It would make you feel better to see my current piles =)

Way to be brave and tackle your basement! Can't wait to see the pics!