Monday, March 24, 2008


Easter was so fun this year. Lily really caught on to the excitement and anticipation of the Easter festivities. Andrew had to work Saturday morning, but my mom was able to come out and help me take the girls to an Easter egg hunt at the IHC Clinic in Layton. They did such a nice job. There was tons of treats and prizes, balloons and free pictures with the Easter bunny. Lily would not, however, sit near him....I guess he sounds better when he's secretly hiding eggs than when he's a giant life-sized bunny. It was a lot of fun, and I'm glad we had the opportunity to participate in the free activity.
Zoe went down for a nap, and the Pedersen family Easter bunny hid a bunch of plastic eggs outside in the front yard along with some strategically placed baskets. Lily had a blast. We figured Zoe couldn't do a whole lot in the actual hunt, so we just let her sleep. She is standing solo quite well and has taken a few steps here and there, but I didn't really want her crawling around on the grass eating leaves. So she got her own little pile of eggs to play with when she woke up. The easter bunny brought the girls two Disney movies and a bubble mower--both were a hit.
It's such a fun, spring holiday and really holds a lot of happiness and hope. I am comforted to know that even with all the commercialism and consumerism there is much symbolism is all the aspects of Easter---bunnies, eggs, spring, and even Easter dresses. They all remind us of the newness and rebirth of the world as Christ suffered for us all and was resurrected--allowing us all the ability to 'start over', giving us hope that we will be with Him again. I am grateful for the testimony that I have of Him...for I know without Him we would not have all this happiness and hope. And I'm so thankful for the chance I have to see that same hope and newness in my little girls...I am reminded of the purity and innocence that I strive to keep in touch with. Being a mom has given me new eyes in so many ways. I am so blessed...Bring on the Spring!
Here are my little ones in their cute new Easter dresses.
And here's our happy, little family, enjoying the springish warmth of an Easter Sunday

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lori said...

great post - loved all the Easter pictures and sentiments. Those girlies are darling in their dresses!!!

mcampbell said...

Beautiful girls--glad you had a fun Easter--thanks for the lovely Easter words.