Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Plastic surgery?

It's funny how little bits and pieces of the people closest to me come to light at the most unexpected times. Tonight I was watching a show on TLC called 'John and Kate plus eight'. Basically it's a show about a family that has twin girls and then sextuplet 2-year-olds. Wait for it...yeah, I felt that that incredulousness shiver too. CRAZY! Anyhow, I've heard about the show but never watched it until tonight. Of course the first episode I choose to see is about plastic surgery. The mom, after carrying six babies, is a little, uh, stretched out in the tummy area, and some plastic surgeon sees her on an interview on the Today show and offers to give her a free tummy tuck. HA! How would that be?! She of course says yes, and the episode follows her preparing the kids, her husband and herself for the surgery and its recovery.
Then the surprise. So I'm thinking they won't show anything, it's TLC for crying out loud...she's prepped for surgery, and Lily looks up from her playing and sees the surgeon marking this lady's belly skin for removal. She is FASCINATED!
Lily: "what is that?" (you'd think this be an obvious observation to a toddler who knows all her body parts, but consider the fact that after holding six babies, a stomach is not going to look too much like a stomach)
Me: "that's the lady's tummy" (Then the surgeon starts to cut...ewww! I switch the channel. I don't do blood and surgery and stuff. Makes me nauseous. )
Lily: I wanna see her tummy!
Mom: Lily, it's yucky...she has a yucky tummy.
Lily: I wanna see her yucky tummy!
(I switch back to let her get a glimpse...hopefully just enough to convince her that is really is yucky....they're holding up the big skin flap with attached fat, muscle and yuckiness...making me sick thinking about it. Lily is absolutely enthralled.)
Lily: What he doing, Mom? what is that? I wanna see the lady's yucky tummy!
(thankfully the footage stops and they go to her recovery....But Lily is still adamant)
Lily: I Want to see the lady's tummy, Mom! I wanna see her yucky tummy!
I try to explain that she has clothes on and it can't be seen, but to no avail....all she wants to see is the lady's yucky tummy. Oh the curiosities of a 2 year old!
(side note addendum: the next morning after Andrew had gotten up, the first thing Lily says to him is, 'you wanna see the lady's yucky tummy? Tum on, dad, let's go see her yucky tummy!"--all the while pulling him towards the t.v. I really hope this is not a new infatuation)

Are we bound to have an MD on our hands? She must get the fascination from Andrew...he finds is very interesting to see blood and guts. I, on the other hand, got terribly sick when watching the train wreck documentary in drivers ed and have never had any sort of interest in seeing body parts in an abnormal way.
So there's my random story for the day.


heath said...

That is too, too funny. I'm with you--I get grossed out by that kind of stuff. I close my eyes tight if there's the smallest amount of blood in a movie. I'm surprised by Lily's reaction--yes, you very well may have an MD on your hands.

J + A Humphreys said...

Oh my goodness!!! I can NOT even imagine having that many children, not mention 6 of them being the same age! Definitely got the shiver. :) That is hilarious about Lily. It truly amazes me all the time the kinds of things that James is fascinated by as well.

Kayla said...

I love it! I can only imagine what Andrew was thinking as she was dragging him off to see the lady's yucky tummy.