Monday, April 14, 2008

Instant success!!

Congratulations to our little Lily! She has graduated to big-girl pants!

That's right...I finally stopped putting it off, downloaded a potty-training book, read it over the weekend, started her this morning and she was a natural. i'm sure she was over-ready (my fault). I guess I just listened too much to what others said about readiness, read too many different ideas from magazines, but after reading this particular book, I said 'what the heck?! let's do it!" She has done amazing, and I'm so proud of her. I feel like somewhat of a dunce for not allowing her the privilege of accomplishing this feat for her own confidence and self-esteem because she was so ready.

I figured that I was enabling her, holding her back, by only casually suggesting a potty-time here and there, but still allowing her to wear diapers--i was totally giving her mixed signals. We went cold turkey this morning, no diapers, only big girl pants. After only two half-accidents she's gone numerous time and even tells us when she needs to go. I couldn't be more proud. Of course, I realize this is only the beginning and there will be plenty of 'learning' experiences, but right now I am so ecstatic for her.

what a big day for her (and for us) :O)



J + A Humphreys said...

Yeah! That is GREAT news! So give me the detes...what's the book? Does it suggest using a training potty? Oh man, I can't wait to get this tackled too!

Mandy said...

Congrats! That is always a big thing to accomplish, especially when it can be such a stuggle!!

lori said...

Fabulous!! Potty training can be such an ordeal. So glad it's going smoothly!