Friday, June 20, 2008


Why is it that I need some kind of reason to actually get stuff done around the house? I'm talking about the little, nitty-gritty stuff that I'm always putting off.

Well, this week I decided that I needed to kick my butt in gear and do all that stuff. It helps when I have a reason....such as putting our house up for sale. It's been in the works and in the talk for a little while, but we just up and did it this past week. We're not necessarily in a hurry to leave....I so LOVE our little house and will be so sad when it passes on to another owner. It's cute, cozy and now all the way done. We have just decided to hopefully take advantage of the buyer's market and upgrade sooner than later, before the homes which we can remarkably afford now fall outside our means. It'll be interesting to see it all work out...however sooner or later that may be.

I'm so enjoying our house even more now that I've done all the little caulking in the master bath, the finishing touches on the new basement bath, the little homey touches which have taken us now 2 plus years to finally get where we want them. i've been cleaning like mad, and it's so nice to enjoy the fruits of my labors. the hard part will be keeping it clean...a formidable task somedays.

It's been a week of mixed feelings and plenty of energy-burning to keep my mind and body busy. My beautiful, flower-laden yard is so enticing right now, and I enjoy spending as much time as I can taking it all in. Summer is so great...such nostalgia and promise when there's so much daylight of which to take advantage.

As the saying goes, "There's a time and season for everything"...we'll have to see what this season brings for our family.


heath said...

Houses for sale . . . It seems like when your house is on the market is when you enjoy your house the very most. Everything is clean, fixed, etc. But I'm sure all will turn out as it should. Best of luck to you.

Sarah said...

Matt went through a phase of 'we should sale and move on.' I could see his reasons...but, to me it just meant A LOT of the deep cleaning and final touches on year-old projects. OVERWHELMING. Good for you getting things done.

I agree that it is when you are possibly moving on and changing that you really enjoy what you have. Good luck with buyers and finding something you exciting to get out there and look around. I LOVE to see the potential of houses!

Where are you planning to move?

lori said...

how exciting! You've worked so hard in your current house! I'm sure hte new owners will be grateful!

Do you have your eyes on another house already?

Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!

Torrie said...

Wow, I'm way out of the loop; I had no idea you guys were considering selling. I wish you the best of luck with that.