Thursday, August 14, 2008

Our Three-Year-Old

August 15, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday, Lily Belle!
We love you always and all ways!

For Lily as you turn 3:

You are a chatterbox and love to talk. Your endless questions and boundless energy gives Mom and Dad a run for their money. You love the color purple and love coloring with your 'marters and hwans' (markers and crayons). Before you go to bed you want to always read 'a cuppa more stories' and you have to have your 'bintly' (blanket) and your stuffed dog, Beemer. You have a love for animals...especially horses and anything little. Disney movies and cartoons are your favorite thing to watch, and you love getting your toenails painted. In fact, you often say to me, "see my toenails coming off..need to paint em again." You LOVE milk and enjoy 'snoot snats' (fruit snacks) and 'tlotlit or 'anilla icehweam' (chocolate or vanilla ice cream). In addition to loving all the Disney princesses, you also love The Little Einsteins and Super Why. You love all meat (including fish) and sweets but don't so much like vegetables in general. You have such a tender heart and are so sensitive We love you more and more each day. Thank you for bringing such joy to our hearts and lives. We love you, Punkin!

You can see she's a beautiful girl, she's a beautiful girl
And everything around her is a silver pool of light
The people who surround her feel the benefit of it
It makes you calm
She holds you captivated in her palm.
--KT Tunstall


Camille Pedersen said...

Lily, Happy Birthday sweet girl! We loved seeing you on Monday.. We're planning to come to the birthday party this Sunday, hopefully Ben won't be working. See you then.


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday to your THREE year old! What a great way to capture all she says in the exact way she says it. I smile just reading about her personality.

lori said...

Happy Birthday to a beautiful three year old!! Those pictures are so sweet! Hope she had a super fun day!!

Torrie said...

Happy birthday to my gorgeous, feisty little LIly! Give her a big hug for me today, and tell her I'll see her Sunday! (Oh, and hug Zoebots too while you're at it).