Friday, March 27, 2009

run away

This week has been a tough one for some reason--not because of any particular instance or event, but because I was just feeling moody.The weather has taken a toll on my mental well-being,and I've felt sapped. That little peek of spring got me so revved up and sunny-feeling, and then the snow, wind and cold came back, and I've had no motivation to do anything. Wednesday and Thursday found us moping around the house (well, at least I was). The girls entertained themselves for the most part and watched way too much t.v. My usual go-to activities when it's cold seemed too daunting, and I was literally feeling the cabin-fever-craziness building up inside me.
I decided right before Andrew came home after a day-shift of training, that I was going running no matter what. Now I usually exercise the morning....I do better on an empty stomach and seem to just have more motivation then. I hadn't been able to go this whole week because Andrew's been working during the day instead of his normal afternoon shift. But I was in desperate need of an escape from my own doldrums.
So I have to say that when I showed up to the gym, I was ready to hit the ground running (sorry for the bad pun). After sweating my emotions off and four miles later, I can honestly say that I felt a huge welling leave my body.
Ever since studying and practicing hypnobirthing with my two labors, I have been able to use the concepts in many aspects of my life. So as I ran I told myself in rhythm to let go of the stress, breathe in the peace, leave the tension on the floor, gulp in the relaxation....
It worked so well that I had moments where I felt myself welling up, my chest getting tight because of the emotions building up and leaving me. I have to say it was one of the most powerful, emotional experiences I've had while exercising.
Thank goodness that I can run...that I have the ability as well the opportunity to get out and have some me time...What amazing bodies and minds we are born with. I'm in awe every day.


heath said...

Sounds like a great workout! Working out always makes me feel better, but putting all of that with it sounds really great.

Amy W said...

I love this post. Running solves many issues. :) Oh, I am Abbie's sister in law, not a creepy stranger.