Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I've been at a loss for good posts because our life here is pretty ordinary. While ordinary might be described as mundane or unexciting on some terms, I find myself relishing in our nondescript life at the moment. It seems like so much of the past several months have been upheaval for some reason or another, and I now feel like I am breathing and thinking at ease.

And while I'll probably never not stress completely, I do appreciate times (even when it seems like the holidays should be stressful) when I can just leisurely float in our little pool of ordinary and love it!

I love this picture because it reminds me that Zoe, at 20 months, is SOO good at reminding us to say prayers at mealtimes. She gets her food and her arms immediately fold, waiting. (Then, when we say amen, she claps wildly--just like they do at nursery when the prayer is done)


Susan said...

Hana is the one to remind us too to say the prayer at every bedtime too for that matter. I'm so grateful for that. Not that I'm a great teacher by any means, but it's nice to know they listen AND remember things once in a while! I love the ordinary days too. Love you Jill!

Sarah said...

"The idea of the extraordinary happening in the context of the ordinary is what's fascinating to me." -Chris Van Allsburg

Glad you're finding joy in the little things...and the repeating ordinary things each day. You're a good example to me.