Thursday, May 29, 2008

plugging along

another day, another dollar...well, not really.
it's been a ridiculously long week. Andrew has been working every day since last Tuesday with the exception of this past Tuesday off. Not has it just been every stinkin' day but it's been 11-13 hours+ every day with NO compensation. That's paid overtime, no adjusted days after it's over. I'm am so frustrated at the whole thing. It's like, who's the peabrain who has nothing better to do than plan a motor school which averages 75+ hours a week? Obviously someone who does not have a disgruntled wife and who is getting paid overtime for being an instructor. Lame, lame and more lame! He's finally done this Sunday...making it a grand total of working 12 of 13 days and over 125ish hours. Again, lame!
Needless to say, the girls are absolutely sick of me and want Andrew to do everything when he's home for the hour or so before they go to bed. Grumpy wife+grumpy husband and attention-craving kids from an almost absent daddy=a not so fun two weeks.

On top of that, we've still trying to overcome another (almost month-long) road bump in the girls' bedtime/sleep routine. The girls were doing SOOO great in going to bed right away (around 8) and not needing to get up or be re-tucked in at all. They'd sleep through the night and it seemed my sleep-training nights were over. I should know by now though that kids just don't stay in one schedule for very long--especially when it comes to sleep. Lately Zoe has taken much longer to finally go to bed. She'll fuss a few times, needing me to go in there for a few seconds to re-lie her down every 10 minutes or so. The nighttime routine has gotten drawn out to an hour--again. And Lily has been no exception. She'll need to go potty like 3 times in a 15 minute period after she's been tucked in and then need a drink, and then a backrub...oh well, at least I got a couple months of bedtime bliss. We're working on re-establishing the former blessed habit, it's just taking a lot longer than I hoped. sigh.

Sorry to complain so much--just needed to vent.

On the plus side, Zoe is doing just great. Her foot looks very frankenstein-ish. A great big line with 20 or so stitches running the width of her foot with plenty of tender tissue and purply bruising. She walks on her tiptoes on that foot as I imagine the feeling of walking on stitches must be a little uncomfortable. Hopefully once the glue and stitches dissolve finally she'll start walking a little more normal. We hopefully get the pathology reports back tomorrow regarding what exactly it was that was taken off her foot. Should be interesting.

In the meantime, Zoe's been improving on her verbal skills and communication. In addition to momma and daddy, she says 'gaga' for baby while signing the baby sign, and started saying 'bubbo' for bubbles. She's been doing the eat and drink sign for months which has been quite helpful as well. It's so fun to see her imitate various sounds as related to words and meanings. She's not a baby anymore which is kind of hard to grasp. She gets along well with her big sister, and Lily does a good job with coaching her as well. Lily continues to say funny things almost daily, and I'm working hard at writing them down. She keeps me on my toes...that's for sure. :o)

1 comment:

Brynn said...

Don't even get me started on the working overtime "issue." It seems like some fields don't even understand the term "overtime." I cringe everytime I look at Chad's pay stub where he's paid for 80 hours of work over a two-week period only in reality he's worked closer to 180-200 hours sometimes.

Chad worked Memorial Day and I took the kids to a church picnic. While there, someone in the ward asked me if Chad got paid time and a half for working holidays. I almost started laughing but was able to keep my composure. Are you kidding me?

Anyways, didn't mean to whine about my life but just wanted you to know I'm with ya on this one!