Tuesday, May 20, 2008

things a wife never wants to hear...

This is what Andrew tells me last night as he is getting everything ready for Motor School starting today:
Andrew: Hey, I'm not going to have my phone on me tomorrow. I will probably wreck several times and don't want to ruin my phone. I'll try calling you at lunch, okay?
Me: Say, what?! How about just not wrecking? Sheesh!

Needless to say I'm a little apprehensive about these next two weeks. He will be going through SLCPD's motor school and will be gone anywhere from 10-12 hours a day for about 11 days straight. I'm paranoid that he'll get in some horrific accident or something. I'm a worry wart that way. Being a policeman is one thing....your odds of getting into a deadly situation are really not that high, but being on a BIG motorcycle with little experience around lots of other stupid drivers on the road could very well increase your odds of a shorter life expectancy.

To top off that stress, I get a call yesterday from Primary Children's Hospital and said they have an opening to do Zoe's surgery this Friday, a week earlier than originally planned. Andrew will be gone at MOtor School, and so my mom has graciously agreed to watch Lily during the whole ordeal. I think being in a hospital waiting room for 1 1/2 hours by myself will be enough to drive me batty, but sometimes that's how the cookie crumbles.
To make myself feel a little better I bought a new (bigger) purse which I have been wanting to get for a long time. In addition, I also finally ordered myself a new pair of glasses, contacts and later on, happened upon a hot pair of jeans for only $14.99! Gotta love the stress-relieving benefits of retail therapy. :o)
Keep your fingers crossed! It's going to be a roller coaster week.


J + A Humphreys said...

Oh wow, I think that would give me an ulcer. I am crossing my fingers for you! I am totally with you on the retail therapy! I do that ALL the time. It is amazing what a $5 snag at Target can do for my spirits. :) The only problem is when I find like 10 five dollar snags. Oops!

J + A Humphreys said...

Oh ya, good luck, good luck with Zoe's surgery on Friday. I hope the entire process goes smoothly. BTW - love your hair in the zoo photos. :)

heath said...

Definitely best of luck with everything Jill. Sounds stressful. But I'm sure it will all turn out great!

lori said...

We'll be thinking of you guys and praying all goes well with the training and surgery. In the meantime, you deserve all the retail therapy you can squeeze in! =)

(Love the new picture in your blog header!!!)

Torrie said...

All right, I'll buy the guitar off you. I'm dead serious. What did we decide it was worth selling for? $300?