Tuesday, November 20, 2007

You gotta start somewhere...

Well, I'm going to try and get this blog thing underway. I've enjoyed reading so many others and figured I could do my part. While our lives are not all that extraordinary, we do have extraordinary moments which are worth recording. This sounds like a segway into a philosophical discussion or posting, but it is not meant that way-- Just a preface for what I hope to record as life comes at us. And if anything it will be a way to record our family history in a modern, fun way--without taking up quite as much time as my girls' scrapbooks already do ;o).

I love capturing photos of my sweet, little girls in various ways--often just to record those everyday moments which I know pass by all too quickly. I look at both Lily and Zoe and wish I could have them at all their different stages and ages at one time--wouldn't it be nice to have a rewind button when you find yourself reminiscing and wishing to relive a particularly memorable time in your life? I think that would be one of my wishes if a genie ever came to visit me. Alas, seeing as that is only in fantasies, I will do my part in trying to capture up those 'ordinary moments' which are actually extraordinary in retrospect.

Lily is needing my attention at the moment, so I will post and get off my train of thought for the time being. hopefully I will be able to get back sooner than later to add some of my fave pix at the moments.
Note to self : I cannot let this blog take over my need to catch up in the girls' scrapbooks...


Torrie said...

What a great idea, Jill! I've been wanting to start a blog for awhile now...I think it would be cool if we all got one going so we could all see what's going on in each other's lives. P.S. I love the photos!

Torrie said...

That comment up there is from me (Torrie). Twink is a random nickname that I'm sure y'all are not familiar with. Just so you know, my blog address is:


I started it in the summer, but I haven't done much with it. Maybe I'll start now.