Wednesday, June 25, 2008
This is the Place
Sunday, June 22, 2008
However, along with maturity and experience comes reality. Reality that life is not fair, was never intended to be fair and requires more work than originally imagined. But then again love is's not something we are entitled to. In the worldwide leadership conference insert that came with this month's Ensign, I read a definition of love that has stuck with me....'Love is what we go through together.' Isn't that the truth? Love is not's constantly moving, progressing,'s scope is only limited to the effort we, ourselves, our willing to put forth. It's through our trials and experiences that we learn what love really is.
But isn't it great? What better way to strive to become more like our Heavenly Father than by learning more and more of love...not by definition, but by feeling and experiencing the work and incredible satisfaction and joy that comes from loving and being loved.
There are no perfect people but there are people that are perfect for each other. Imperfect relationships...yes, but perfect Love sees past that and helps one to cope with the imperfections and work past them. I'm grateful for a plan that is beautifully and wholly seen by an Omniscient Father, placing us here on earth for the sole purpose to learn to love and be loved. We really couldn't ask for more.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Well, this week I decided that I needed to kick my butt in gear and do all that stuff. It helps when I have a reason....such as putting our house up for sale. It's been in the works and in the talk for a little while, but we just up and did it this past week. We're not necessarily in a hurry to leave....I so LOVE our little house and will be so sad when it passes on to another owner. It's cute, cozy and now all the way done. We have just decided to hopefully take advantage of the buyer's market and upgrade sooner than later, before the homes which we can remarkably afford now fall outside our means. It'll be interesting to see it all work out...however sooner or later that may be.
I'm so enjoying our house even more now that I've done all the little caulking in the master bath, the finishing touches on the new basement bath, the little homey touches which have taken us now 2 plus years to finally get where we want them. i've been cleaning like mad, and it's so nice to enjoy the fruits of my labors. the hard part will be keeping it clean...a formidable task somedays.
It's been a week of mixed feelings and plenty of energy-burning to keep my mind and body busy. My beautiful, flower-laden yard is so enticing right now, and I enjoy spending as much time as I can taking it all in. Summer is so great...such nostalgia and promise when there's so much daylight of which to take advantage.
As the saying goes, "There's a time and season for everything"...we'll have to see what this season brings for our family.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Daddy's day
They are a happy mixture
But in any kind of trouble
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Religion and faith
As I was thinking about religion in my own terms, I am reminded of how the word 'faith' is interchangeable with 'religion' for good reasons. On the flipside, science tends to be a polar opposite of both--not because science is wrong or anti-religious, only because it requires proof (concrete evidence) for something to be true or believed.
I find it particularly comforting in the fact that religion is all-encompassing. It knows no boundaries. Each individual's definition of faith is only contained by his/her's own limitations. And when we find ourselves questioning everything/anything it is a sign that we are on the road to expanding our own personal circle of religion--willing to perhaps expand our self-created borders.
We are challenged in the scriptures to experiment upon the word...question, wonder, ASK, wait, listen...and sometimes we are just not spiritually ready to receive the revelation in which we seek-- despite our earnest inquiries and expectations. An all-knowing Father will not give us further personal revelation if we are not spiritually mature enough to understand. And that's what is so great about religion. It is never-ending. We are always learning, questioning, exercising and receiving...perhaps preparing ourselves for greater insights with every doubt...allowing our minds and hearts to open and push aside the cobwebs which weren't always there to block our spiritual eyes.
How fitting that we read in the scriptures about being reborn. Every minute of every day we are doing just that...seeking to re-birth ourselves from our limited human mind into discovering truths and knowledge that were always there in our spiritual minds. We are putting forth the effort to see with a new perspective, even a godly perspective...doing something to help us become more all-encompassing, more part of our faith and religion and ultimately becoming more like our Father in Heaven. It's a lofty goal and grand mission but one worth every ounce of effort, perspiration and hard work.
Elmer Wheeler in The Wealth Within You, said, " Begin thinking of faith in terms of "something to do" rather than something to "have."...Faith is not a substitute for work. It is not a substitute for preparation. Rather it is a necessary part of these things. There is nothing which can be demonstrated and pointed to as faith except in relation to work. The man who says he has faith he can do something and then does nothing, has never known faith for it comes into being only at the point of action."
And to come full-circle I think Oswald Chambers puts it best, "Living a life of faith means never knowing where you are being led. But it does mean loving and knowing the One who is leading. It is literally a life of faith, not of understanding and reason--a life of knowing Him who calls us to go."
I encourage myself to expand my own horizons of faith/religion...question more, doubt, seek, study, learn, ASK and be ready to receive the spiritual manifestions and burning bosom that only comes from the true Spirit of faith, from a loving Father who knows me better than I know myself.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
24 hours...
Saturday, June 7, 2008
first time for everything
Now I just have to figure out how to get the vomit out of my carpet and the four sets of bedding and pajamas she went through....any good ideas? :o)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
catch up, lists, and belated spring cleaning
After Zoe's surgery she was up and walking, getting into everything as usual. As you can see from the first pix, standing was no hurdle. The second pix is quite the rocker pose, thumbs up and all. The third pix is her trying to pull an ear of corn off the counter using her gimp foot as a heightening advantage. Go, go, go...
This past Sunday was Andrew's last day for motor school, and wouldn't you know it, he missed the final test by one mistake and thus was not allowed to be on the list as a potential motor cop for the upcoming year. He was way bummed (I was too, mainly because of all the time he put into it. Next year's school will probably be a sore point as I really don't want him to do it again)
We took Zoe in for her follow-up with the surgeon. He said the swelling on her foot is normal due to the space left by the fatty tumor that was removed. He said it was a completely benign tumor and shouldn't grow back. She is still walks very gingerly on her toes on that foot and will make a sad face when she looks at the stitches. I'm sure a lot of it's mental in how she's walking, but I'm really hoping once the stitches finally dissolve that she'll be able to take off and not look back.
One thing that has really interested Zoe since the surgery is wearing shoes. Before, it was so hard to put shoes on her because they just didn't fit right and would almost always invariably fall off. She most often just wore socks. But now that shoes fit her, she'll go to our shoe basket, find a shoe, hold it up to me and stick her foot out, waiting for me put it on. It brings a whole new meaning to shoe fetish--just like Cinderella who didn't have a shoe on one foot, but now can wear a matching pair.
Here she is standing in her shoes and sitting in the doll stroller (she was bound and determined to get inside even though she's not exactly doll-size)
And lastly, I've been SOOO enjoying my flowers. That's one thing that I'm so grateful for--the previous owners who planted gorgeous irises and roses all along the side of the house, which I get to enjoy every spring/summer. It's given me a gardening bug which I never thought would be part of my repertoire.
And speaking of repertoire, lately I've been into trying a lot of new things--expanding my horizons. I mentioned earlier the hair thing...I found a great blog (see my fave blogs) and have been getting all kinds of great ideas. That also inspired me to make my own flower clips for my girls' hair (and save a ton of money in the meantime). On top of that, my cute neighbor and friend down the street has been re-decorating her house and has really got me into it to. I guess the word re-decorate in our house is relative seeing as it was never decorated to begin with. But I've been doing my best to find some inexpensive ways to spruce up and spring clean. I've been surprised to find how much of a mood-lift it creates. I found a great little bistro table set for my front porch which is so darling, and I'm excited to have more excuses to sit outside and enjoy the early-summer weather. Hopefully now I'll have enough motivation to actually re-paint our room and finish painting the downstairs...all in good time though (and in all good money).