Saturday, June 7, 2008

first time for everything

I consider myself lucky in some ways. My kids have always been relatively healthy. We've dealt with the colds here and there and ear infections but up until last night, no throw up. That's right, I got to deal with a vomiting Zoe all last night. I felt so bad for her. By the time she had thrown up five times there was nothing left and she was so wiped. Of course, trying to keep her hydrated was my main concern, but any drop of liquid she was given was immediately expelled. I ended up calling Andrew to come home early from work so one of us could stay here with a sleeping Lily and the other take Zoe to the doctor. The doc pretty much told us what we already knew--keep an eye on her wet diapers, make sure she gets liquids in small amounts, etc. I was mostly concerned about her vomiting in her sleep and me not being able to hear her (it happened twice after she went down for the night, when I was still awake). So we just had her sleep in our bed on a towel. Needless to say we didn't sleep very well, not because she was throwing up, but because it's hard to sleep with a little toddler in one's bed. She actually did much better after she got back from instacare. we were able to give her Gatorade which she wanted to guzzle, but in keeping with her queasy stomach I limited it to a few swallows as often as she woke up throughout the night. She woke up this morning looking better but still very tired and drained. She is sleeping now and hopefully will get over this little stomach bug quickly.

Now I just have to figure out how to get the vomit out of my carpet and the four sets of bedding and pajamas she went through....any good ideas? :o)


Camille Pedersen said...

poor girl but also poor momma.. throwup is one illness that I can't stand either. Noah has only thrown up once, when I fed him ice cream too early. Ben was there to take care of him, good thing too because I actually cried... I couldn't stand to think that I made him so sick he was throwing up.

Could you get me the recipe for the curry chicken.. I can't wait to try it!

Brynn said...

Oh...I hope you feel sympathy coming your way from me! The worst part of a sick (vomiting!) child for me is the clean up. I feel like all I do for at least one full day after is laundry. Between the clothes, blankets, bedding, cleaning rags etc...

I don't have any secrets for the laundry but just really am sorry you have to live through it!

J + A Humphreys said...

Oh man, barfing is the worst. Only experienced that once at our house too, but I can definitely wait for it to happen again. I told Justin that one of our next purchases is a carpet cleaner. :) Kind of a bummer to get down on the hands and knees and clean it up. Hope Zoe is feeling better now.