Monday, August 2, 2010

Soapstone Camping

Well, it's official. We finally went camping. My kids have wanted to go for a while now, but I've just not the motivation or the camping skills to accomplish such a feat. So a HUGE thank you to Andrew's side of the family for organizing the whole thing and making it more bearable for us city-grown people by having a flushing toilet and other niceties like four-wheelers.
I'm not much of a tent-sleeper. The last time I went camping was at girls camp 12 years ago, and I got to sleep in a cabin. I survived the one night on the ground although I didn't get much sleep, but it was worth it to have my kids enjoy the experience.
It was fun to be with so many of Andrew's siblings and their families. Along with camping we also got to have a swimming party and barbeque in the past week. Extended families sure make life that much sweeter. Thanks, Pedersen Fam!
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