Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So I have a huge-muscled, solidly-built husband, and yet do you think he is satisfied? I thought only girls asked questions like, "do I look skinny in this outfit", but my hotter-than-ever husband feels the need to ask, "do I look big?" (well now that you brought it up, babe, i think you're severely undernourished...)

So when he wants to buy another round of protein/supplements, I think to myself--Dude, you're already so huge, that if you gain much more, your skin is going to pop open.

Don't take my tone as exasperation--no, no...I could not be happier that my husband cares about his health/fitness/looks....more eye candy for me, right?
But next time you see him, tell him he's a freakin' tank and do me (because I obviously can't say it enough) a favor as well as our pocketbook.

(he's the one on top in case you couldn't tell--photography courtesy of the Deseret News)

It's not the gun on his hip you should be afraid's the two encased in his sleeves...

(side note: He won't ever read this so keep this between you and me, kay?)

Monday, February 23, 2009


Decline of a Nation
"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

everything's amazing, nobody's happy...

You must watch this link of Louis CK on Conan O'Brien.
"We live in an amazing, amazing world, and it's wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots."

How true his comments are. We live in an incredible and amazing world and yet so many people are unhappy. Novel idea: hard work and discipline create a greater sense of self-worth and accomplishment, therby allowing us to be proud of who we are as people because we EARNED it and not because we 'deserve' it. LOVED this.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thank you to those who know (and do!)

I have to give a public shout out to the wonderful people who know how and are willing to help us out with our little 'projects'. Thank to Ben for an amazing paint job on the stairwell and to Scott who came up to help us figure out what was wrong with our wiring (after Andrew and I attempted to change out our light fixtures). We are a little home-improvement-challenged, and Andrew hates doing stuff like that. I have to say thank you to him too because he was a good sport to try, but we are so grateful for wonderful relatives and friends who can help us out.
(Oh, and by the way, Ben, that sticker is still in our light canister---we just need you to drop by sometime to help us remove it)
Happy Presidents Day (especially happy because yesterday is over, meaning my Relief Society lesson is in the past as is Lily's primary talk) Now if only the snow would melt...

And a belated Happy Valentine's to all. We were able to go out to dinner on Monday as Andrew worked on actual Valentine's Day. We had plans to go to a movie but got out of dinner late and instead went to the mall and enjoyed being able to hold hands and just leisurely browse by ourselves. (and we found some fantastic deals)
And even though we had previously decided to buy 12 restaurant gift cards, one for each month, for the next year, Andrew still bought me an absolutely gorgeous vase of 2 dozen pink roses mixed with stargazer lilies (my fave!). And I was able to finally obtain my lost CD of pictures of when we were dating/engaged, and I put together a little 'trip down memory lane' for Andrew. I honestly have to say on that Valentine's Day six years ago when Andrew proposed, I never could have begun to comprehend the magnitude and difference six years can make. Love you always and all ways, Babe!

And here's the girls opening their Valentine's Day presents--it's a PONY!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

unthawing, sort of

So I realize I have been lame and have not posted for almost a month. No excuses...just laziness.

We are looking forward to spring, although I'm sure we have yet to have a few more good snowstorms. Luckily it's been mild enough to go walking every day, so the girls have gotten some exercise.
We sent my little sister, Torrie (Hermana Fedor), off on her mission to El Salvador/Belize a couple of weeks ago. We got to visit with my Dad who came out for her farewell and have some family get-togethers.

We've also been dealing with health issues, graduating Zoe into a toddler bed (and the newfound freedom that entails), taxes, house-sprucing-upping, cabin fever, a new nephew (Ethan), enjoying my new Clavinova, birthday parties, good old Groundhog Day, and making room for a buddy of Andrew's who was in need of a place to stay for a couple weeks.

I'm just glad January passed relatively quickly as it always seems to be the doldrums of winter and gray. We are glad to welcome February and the LOVE-liness it will hopefully bring :o)
To quote Zoe's new fave phrase: "Otay, Baby." (said in response to basically everything we tell or ask her to do)