Sunday, February 8, 2009

unthawing, sort of

So I realize I have been lame and have not posted for almost a month. No excuses...just laziness.

We are looking forward to spring, although I'm sure we have yet to have a few more good snowstorms. Luckily it's been mild enough to go walking every day, so the girls have gotten some exercise.
We sent my little sister, Torrie (Hermana Fedor), off on her mission to El Salvador/Belize a couple of weeks ago. We got to visit with my Dad who came out for her farewell and have some family get-togethers.

We've also been dealing with health issues, graduating Zoe into a toddler bed (and the newfound freedom that entails), taxes, house-sprucing-upping, cabin fever, a new nephew (Ethan), enjoying my new Clavinova, birthday parties, good old Groundhog Day, and making room for a buddy of Andrew's who was in need of a place to stay for a couple weeks.

I'm just glad January passed relatively quickly as it always seems to be the doldrums of winter and gray. We are glad to welcome February and the LOVE-liness it will hopefully bring :o)
To quote Zoe's new fave phrase: "Otay, Baby." (said in response to basically everything we tell or ask her to do)


heath said...

Zoe sounds like a crack-up!

Michelle D said...

I have been SOO the same! I haven't posted in several months (good thing Dave likes blogging).