So I received a call from a lady in my ward who was desperate to find someone willing to play the organ in sacrament meeting today. Of course this was on the way to our big, annual Austin family Christmas party yesterday morning in the snow. I told her that I actually have never officially played the organ but could play the piano if worse came to worst.
Our Saturday played out; we had a fun time with extended family, I scored some nice white elephant gifts, played games, ate food and made it home without getting an accident.
And then I remembered that I had to worry about whether to attempt the organ or just settle for the piano on the morrow. I shouldn't stress about it, I've played piano for 20 plus years of my life, and hymns are definitely not the hardest pieces to play, but my blood pressure always goes a little higher when I am being counted on for something publically. And then, this morning I get another call from the same lady needing me to not only play in sacrament meeting but in Relief Society as well. Well, okay, I'm already invested in the whole church block, so what the hey!?
Relief Society, no big deal...I"d much rather play piano than teach the lesson (which I have to do next week). I skipped out on Sunday School to give myself some familiarity with the organ and see if I could swing it. Surprisingly, playing the keyboard was almost easier than playing the piano, but it was all the voices that I had no idea about. I made a desperation call to the organ master (my sis, Torrie) to see if she could guide me through putting the organ on the right settings. In my messings-around I discovered a very cool memory button that had pre-recorded prelude music on it. I definitely used that button at the beginning and end of the meeting (people must have wondered why the prelude sounded so full and rich while the actual hymns were lacking in full, organ glory).
When all was said and done, I got through all four hymns (of course there was a rest hymn), and am chalking it up to experience. There's a first for everything, and now I get to stress about my lesson this coming Sunday. Opportunity appreciated, but I am just fine with not being the one behind the swelling pipes if I can help it.
And while on the subject of firsts, I have also had the uncomfortable ailment of not one, but two cold sores for the last 10 days now. I've never had them before, and I'm still waiting for them to show any signs of healing. And since this is the giving season, I gave Andrew and Lily some cold sores, too, so we're all having a great time slathering on the three different types of topical ointments I've purchased. I do have to say though, that I'd rather have a cold sore than a cold. I'll consider myself lucky (knock on wood).
Ten days....