Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So I ordered a new camera via an upgrade program with Canon, only they said it would take 1-2 weeks. It's still not here, and this morning was a perfect picture opportunity.
Lily loves to color with markers. They are the washable Crayola ones, so I usually am pretty lax in sitting right by her to make sure the colors stay where they're supposed to. AFter breakfast she was in the kitchen coloring and I was on the living room floor playing with Zoe. AFter several moments Lily comes wandering out. It looked like she had tried to apply 'lipstick' to her lips--her color of choice being black. She actually did a pretty good job considering she didnt' have a mirror. Her teeth were greyish and her tongue black as well. I tried to keep a stern face because 'we don't color on anything but paper', but it took a lot of self control to not laugh. I have to admit I wasn't that surprised. Lily loves to watch me put on my makeup and is always begging, I wear mateup too?' We'll walk past the makeup aisle at the grocery store, and she'll run to the closest display within reach and grab whatever it is. "i dit mateup?!" Luckily it did come off relatively easy--a good toothbrushing does wonders.
It could have been worse--she could have done her eyes, too....I guess she was going for a semi-gothic look. But how I wish I'd had a camera. Hopefully by the end of the week....

1 comment:

lori said...

Just catching up - great posts! love the random facts. I'm one of those eat-the-same-meal-everyday type of people too!

And you didn't even need to camera for Lily's morning make-over! The description was perf! I could totally see it in my mind!