Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dance, baby, dance

(you'll have to pause the background music to the blog first--that way you can hear the music that zoe is grooving to. Go to the playlist box on the right hand side of the blog, near the bottom and press the pause.)

Zoe is quite the little dancing queen as you can see. She loves to be-bop to any type of rhythm/melody and really gets into it. She's sitting down here and is limited to what she can do, but when she's standing her little legs bounce up down in beat to the music and her head gets going. She must get the dancing gene from her mother. (we'll have to work on the lips's all about the facial expressions)


heath said...

So, so cute, and funny. Man, that girls grooving. She's got rhythm!

Michelle D said...

What a cutie! and Happy Birthday ZOE! Wow, I can't believe how fast time flies. It seems like just yesterday I was watching you dance that same dance at a stomp. ;-D

Abbie said...

Happy Birthday to little Zoe! Looks like you guys had a great Easter. I love those Easter dresses. Lily looks like a doll with her big girl hair. I am way jealous that you got a cute family picture. Can not seem to get my boys to sit nice for one. Mostly I am jealous of your sunshine. We decided that we live in O-grey-o. :)

lori said...

love this! What a cute girl!