Monday, March 10, 2008

daylight savings time?

I don't know about anyone else, but I feel like this new time change has put my days in major fast forward. While the extra daylight is nice, it's also harder to 'get ready' for bed. As Lily says, 'it's not dark. no night night.' Or when it's morning, she'll say, "see! it's springtime! (daytime)"

Today I'm grateful for a working dryer. My handy stepdad, Scott, has been over 3 times now and was able to fix it completely today. So yeah for a working dryer (and ughh for loads of built-up laundry). I'm also grateful for my mom and her willingness and 'just do it' attitude in painting my downstairs bathroom. We hit a wall with doing all the finishing work on the downstairs project, but it's looking a lot more finished with beautiful green bathroom walls :o)
And I'm most grateful for the warm weather--mid 50's today. I spent a good part of Zoe's second nap outside pruning my roses. I have so missed my shears and the satisfaction of snipping away. Half my rose bushes are now in the garbage, but they are looking closer to where they should be at the beginning of Spring. I actually had to stop because of a rather painful blister that formed from the repetition of clipping along with about 3 dozen thorn sticks. Every time I'd get stuck i'd think to myself, 'you really should wear gloves' but was too lazy to walk to the shed and get them. So I guess it's 'serves you right'. I'm no rose pro but am trying my best to care for them in a way where they'll maintain their beauty throughout the entire blooming season. I didn't think I would be such a gardening person, but I find great satisfaction in having a weed-free and neatly adorned garden. Gotta love curb appeal!
Also, this wonderful springiness has done wonders for the mood at our house. Being able to take the girls on walks has helped with the crabbiness for both me and them. It really is so great to feel happy.
Well, Andrew is finally home from the gym, so I'm off to Albertsons to take advantage of a good deal...yet another wonderful pick-me-upper...
Here's to a good week!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

NOT a fan of the daylight savings. I can't imagine what it would do to kids! It's hard enough for me to deal with! Good job on pruning the rose bushes. Kel and Jeremy spent all Saturday morning at a pruning class. I made fun of them..... Happy Spring!