Tuesday, April 8, 2008


A little reminiscing, remembering and slight dejavu as we had quite the night with Zoe last night. She got her 12 month vaccinations a week ago--four to be exact, three of which she'd never had before. We were told that if any reaction occurred--fever, rash, etc., it would be a week in the future. This was, of course, the exact thing we were told when Lily received the same vaccinations at her year check-up. At that time, exactly a week later, we were at my dad's in Kansas City and sure enough, Lily broke out in a rash which we actually thought was chicken pox. See below. She had a terrible time falling asleep and was up for hours past her usual bedtime. I remember it being a very sleep-deprived vacation.

So back to last night. Zoe is normally a very good sleeper. She goes right down at 8:00--I lay her down, she pops her thumb in her mouth, I leave the room, and she goes to sleep. Not the case with last night. She would pop right up after lying her down and just cry and cry--tears, snot, red eyes, the whole bit. Luckily Lily fell asleep amid Zoe's loud cries. 10:00 rolled around, 11:30, 12:30--she was WIDE awake. Eventually Andrew got her to fall asleep on his shoulder but as soon as he tried to lay her down she'd start bawling. We figured out she was actually asleep but was just crying in her sleep--sleep 'crying', I guess you could call it. She finally would lie on our bed without crying but would wake up every several minutes and immediately sit up and seem very disoriented. We'd lay her down, she'd fall asleep, repeat, repeat...This went on pretty much all night...so I was brought back to that night 19 months ago when we did the same thing with Lily. I guess certain reactions just run in families. I wouldn't have been surprised to see a rash, but we lucked out that Zoe hasn't shown signs of one--yet.

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