Wednesday, April 2, 2008

where does she get this?

I figured out one answer to the classic open-ended question--You know, when your child says or does something and you think, 'where do they learn this?...nursery? t.v.?
I was doing my hair while Andrew was playing with the girls in the other room, and I overhear:
Lily: Look! I have boogers!
Andrew: Yeah, we don't wipe boogers on the wall (something of late that Lily has been doing). Wipe them on the floor.
Lily: Yeah, wipe on the floor!

HELLO! I guess a mother's work is never done. Now I have to unteach Lily some of her Daddy's 'wisdom'!


heath said...

Oh dear. Reteaching things dad tells kids--I think most mothers encounter that!

Michelle D said...

I'm sitting here laughing out loud at this, and Sammy is laughing at me, so in a way, Sammy is laughing at this too! Hilarious.

J + A Humphreys said...

That's awesome. DEFINITELY know all about that at our house too!!!