Tuesday, January 15, 2008

God's toddlers

The thought occurred to me as I was contemplating some recent and difficult events happening in the lives of my family that we are so much like God's little toddlers.
As I try my best to parent a 2 1/2 year-old in the midst of toddlerhood, I am constantly confronted with not only my own frustration but with the valid frustrations of this little human being who only mortally understands so much. I can only imagine what it would be like to have a larger, parental figure always telling me what to do and not understanding why. Can you imagine the frustration at not being able to express yourself fully because your cognitive language skills are still so primitive? So what better way to release some tension and emotion than by exhibiting a full-blown tantrum?
So we as God's children, godlings here on earth, have only a limited capacity to understand the workings of a greater plan and will . It seems frustrating and confusing if not downright unfair because we lack the knowledge and experience of that Being who has been there before us and understands how things will work together for our good. Trials are encountered, that metaphorical cookie is denied, and we throw a tantrum. Why God, why can't I enjoy that sweet and delicious morsel NOW!? Perhaps we don't yet understand the wonderful, nutritious and more fulfilling dinner which has been lovingly prepared and which will benefit us to a much great degree than that cookie. But we see the now and only comprehend the dimension of time and space as defined by this mortal world and the limits of our physical bodies. Just as a toddler knows the immediate gratification of a sweet treat, we understand when we are temporarily satisfied. But it's in the waiting for that delectable meal which is soon to come that we learn patience, faith and trust that the food which is coming will be ultimately better for our entire being, nourishing us so much more than that cookie ever could.
So I remind myself, God's darling, that He loves me and would never deny or let me encounter something which would be to my ultimate demise or misery. The great thing is that God doesn't expect me to act older or understand those things which I cannot grasp. He loves me as His toddler, his little being who has so much yet to experience and learn before full wisdom and understanding is attained.
I don't understand the reasoning because I have not yet risen to that level on which He sees, nor should I berate myself because I am still mortal, a godly toddler. All things are done in the wisdom of Him who knows EVERYTHING, and I must be patient with myself, letting myself mature at a rate which is natural and most conducive to learning and growth. On the flipside, I must be patient as a mortal parent and allow my little ones to grow at the rate which will benefit them to the fullest. I must do this out of the Love which emanates from my being for these precious spirits which have been entrusted to me. But, I, unlike God, only get to experience an extremely finite fragment of the infinite Love which I know He has for me and for all his children. What a wonderful and patient Father who gently guides and caresses me despite my stubborn tantrums, my inability to see beyond my limited mortal perceptions. He loves me and doesn't grow frustrated as I often do with my children in their moments of frustration. He is always there to lend comfort, safety and encouragement if I am willing to come to Him and trust Him fully as a toddler does her parent.
And when I ask why, why now, why to these great and wonderful people? I have to accept that I don't know and cannot comprehend His experience and wisdom, but I can have faith that He wouldn't let things happen unless it was for a greater purpose. He is preparing that great and fulfilling meal and knows all that it will offer if we will but wait a little longer, be a little more patient. As long as I am striving to work harder, become better, serve more and ultimately love more, I know I am working towards attaining those same characteristics which I hope to possess in the life hereafter. And that's what happiness is really about....the journey, not the destination. I must embrace it all--the good, the bad, the happy, the sad, the frustration and the joy. It will only make me better if I but weather it well.


heath said...

Jill, your timing is impeccable. Thanks for the reminder of God's unfailing love. What a perfect analogy--I've never thought of our state quite in that way. I think you're right!

lori said...

Beautiful analogy, Jill! I love it!

Kayla said...

Jill! I SOOOOO needed that. Thanks for the reminder! Love you!

Torrie said...

Yeah, there's been a lot of tears this week. This was beautiful and gave me the perspective I needed, esp. after this week.

jimfedor said...

Jilly Conz! God's darling, my darling...how much fun I've had watching YOU grow...my, my, my! I too, only understand little, but I see how a heavenly parent must feel when His godling actually hears His whispers of love and wakes to her divine possibilities. Joy comes full circle! You too, reward God when you see as He sees. "If the God's own power did not lie in us,/ How could that which is godlike delight us?" (Goethe, Xenien, Book 3) To feel God holding you in His arms through my own as your young father, and to hold your children in my arms with that same love, no wonder you always make me smile!